List of Facebook Emoticons

How to make 42 Emoticon on Facebook

Conversation with emoticon 42 for Facebook
Emoticon 42 for Facebook

To use an emoticon 42

  in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.

Code: :42:

See the emoticon Emoticon Facebook 42

That means 42 Emoticon in Facebook

There is no doubt that this emoticon is the most curious one. It is because if we look at it we cannot guess what it means, we can just see that it means a 42. Probably you have never use it in your conversations by chat on facebook, but now we will tell you where it comes from. This emoticon refers to the science fiction saga ‘’the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy’’ and we will tell you very briefly what that saga is about. It is about a computer that after long years gives the answer to

How to make a face 42 on Facebook
How to make a face 42
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