List of Facebook Emoticons

How to make Ear Emoticon on Facebook

Conversation with emoticon Ear for Facebook
Emoticon Ear for Facebook

To use an emoticon Ear

  in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.

Code: 👂

See the emoticon Emoticon Facebook ear

That means Ear Emoticon in Facebook

Are you having a very bad earache and you are feeling awful? You can post it on your facebook status and you will see very soon how all your friends will try to cheer you up and also they will give you some secrets that may help you to stop feeling like that. This emoticon is very useful when we are trying to give good advices to the people you love, for example if you know that someone is doing and saying wrong things you can try to tell them to stop doing it and try to do things well. It is always good for you to try to be a good adviser and these images will help you a lot to express yourself in a better way.

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