How to make Fire Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Fire
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 🔥
See the emoticon
That means Fire Emoticon in Facebook
Fire always tends to gather people together. Having a fire in your house on winter time is one of the best things in the world. Therefore, if you are enjoying a movie sitting right next to the fire, take a picture of it and post it on facebook using this emoticon, everyone will get right away how good you are feeling. Also, if you want to make a fire on the beach with your friends don’t wait any longer and make an event on facebook using this emoticon. Share this great idea you just had with all your friends and invite them to enjoy this moment with you; it is for sure that all of them will want to go.

How to make a face Fire