How to make Hot Meal Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Hot Meal
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: ♨
See the emoticon
That means Hot Meal Emoticon in Facebook
In those rainy days, there is nothing better than getting home and enjoying a big plate of hot food. Therefore, if you are feeling very cold, send an inbox using this emoticon to your mother, father, brother, sister or roommate so they can wait you at home with a super hot and yummy plate. If you live with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you should prepare a super nice hot meal, send him/her an inbox only using this emoticon, that way he/she won’t know what is going on until he/she gets home and see the surprise you have for him/her. It is always good that you show your love to the ones you love.

How to make a face Hot Meal
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