List of Facebook Emoticons

How to make Mailbox Emoticon on Facebook

Conversation with emoticon Mailbox for Facebook
Emoticon Mailbox for Facebook

To use an emoticon Mailbox

  in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.

Code: 📮

See the emoticon Emoticon Facebook mailbox

That means Mailbox Emoticon in Facebook

In the present days, letters are not that used anymore. Why don’t you try sending letter by mailbox? That way you will be more original and exclusive that anyone else and also you will be showing to that important person that he/she is very special for you. If you do it, let him/her know by an inbox using this emoticon that he/she needs to pay attention to her/his mailbox. You can also use it if you want to ask one of your friends to go to the post office with you. Tell him/ by inbox using this image and after sending the letter you can go to eat something very yummy.

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