How to make Pastas Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Pastas
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 🍝
See the emoticon
That means Pastas Emoticon in Facebook
Pastas are delicious and besides they give you a good amount of energy. Therefore if you know someone that is practicing any physical activity you can recommend him/her to eat pastas before he/she practices. If you cooked a super yummy pasta with alfredo or bolognesa sauce take a picture of it and post it on facebook, that way everyone will know that you are a good chef. If you happen to be in an Italian restaurant and the food is really good there, post it on facebook using this emoticon so all your friends can go there and have a nice dinner.

How to make a face Pastas
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