List of Facebook Emoticons

How to make Snail Emoticon on Facebook

Conversation with emoticon Snail for Facebook
Emoticon Snail for Facebook

To use an emoticon Snail

  in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.

Code: 🐚

See the emoticon Emoticon Facebook snail

That means Snail Emoticon in Facebook

If the person you are talking to right now is very slow and it takes forever to get an answer from him/her, this is the emoticon you need to use. Post it in his/her wall or use it when you both are talking, that way you will be expressing that this conversation is getting slow and very boring. It is for sure that your friend will try to answer faster.

How to make a face Snail on Facebook
How to make a face Snail
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