How to make Strawberry Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Strawberry
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 🍓
See the emoticon
That means Strawberry Emoticon in Facebook
Strawberries are one of the best fruits in the world. Are you eating strawberries right now? If so, take a picture of them and post it on facebook using this emoticon, all your friends will feel jealous of you having those amazing strawberries. Remember that you can also eat them with chocolate or cream. If you invited friends to your house to have lunch with you, it is a good idea that you prepare strawberries for dessert, they will love it. Don’t forget to take pictures of that lovely moment and post all of them on facebook adding this image.

How to make a face Strawberry