How to make Strong Arm Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Strong Arm
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 💪
See the emoticon
That means Strong Arm Emoticon in Facebook
If you are just starting to work out in the gym, go and tell to your friends and family this good news. Show them the strong arms you are getting, they may feel like going to the gym too. Practicing some sports is always good for your body and mind; it is always a healthy activity. You can also use this emoticon in your facebook comments whenever you feel you are a strong person.

How to make a face Strong Arm
Related Emoticons
I Don’t Like It
Hands Together
Peace and Love
Pointing with Your Finger
Fist Up
Thank You
Finger Pointing to the Left
Finger Pointing to the Right
Finger Pointing Down