List of Facebook Emoticons

How to make Tomato Emoticon on Facebook

Conversation with emoticon Tomato for Facebook
Emoticon Tomato for Facebook

To use an emoticon Tomato

  in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.

Code: 🍅

See the emoticon Emoticon Facebook tomato

That means Tomato Emoticon in Facebook

if you are chatting with one of your friends by facebook and he or she tells you that he/she wants to eat something healthy and easy to prepare you should send him/her this symbol. That way your friend can go right away to the kitchen and prepare and super yummy tomato salad, tomatoes filled with chicken or tuna fish or any other combination that your friend enjoys. Tomatoes are a type of vegetables that are low in calories and that have a lot of good vitamins, therefore you need to let everyone know to very useful information by using this emoticon.

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How to make a face Tomato
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