How to make Versus Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon Versus
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 🆚
See the emoticon
That means Versus Emoticon in Facebook
You are planning on going to see a basketball tournament or your favorite soccer team match. You should totally invite one friend, let him/her know by inbox or write him/her a post on his/her facebook wall and also let your friend know who is going to be the rival by using the versus symbol. Also, if you play any sport and you are having a tournament very soon you can also use this emoticon to show who you are playing against, post it on your facebook so all your friends know and that way they can go to see you play and support you and your team.

How to make a face Versus
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Grey X Letter
White Star
Black Button
White Button
Black Square
White Square
Black Circle
White Circle
Red Ring
Black Square with White Strips
Black Cone
White Window
Dark Window
Big Gold Rhombus
Big Blue Rhombus
Small Gold Rhombus
Small Blue Rhombus